In 2024, I collaborated with Wizard Pharmacy's Automations and Loyalty Specialist to rollout an automated email journey for Wizard's loyalty member-base. Upon sign-up, members will be entered into the first of six (on launch) journeys, that become more and more personalised based on continued shopping by members.
Each email has personalised fields and content blocks that fill in based on the users names, preferred store, shopping habits, seasons, location, and more. Targeting and automation opportunities were developed by Automations and Loyalty Specialist, with my input on customer journey and flow.
Emails were designed in Figma, and built/sent using Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
The design process for these journeys also established new internal processes and practices for emails, as well as new templates and guidelines for emails going into 2025.
Sketch, to Wireframe, to Design - Sign-up Email
Sketch, to Wireframe, to Design - Meet Your Team

Wireframes and Designed Journeys

Structures and Brand Elements